Bake Crafters News
See what's new at Bake Crafters — new products, recipes, videos, virtual tradeshows and more!
Introducing Croissant Breakfast Sandwiches!

Let Bake Crafters take your school to the next level with café style sandwiches in your cafeteria! Choose between three flavors, Egg & American Cheese, Egg & Fiesta Cheese, or Chicken Sausage & Cheese.
Poffitz! Perfect Pancake Bites

Just when you thought pancakes couldn't get any better, we're bringing you delicious pancake bites! These gourmet, bite-sized pancakes are perfect any time of the day. Serve them with syrup, powdered sugar or just as they are!
The Ultimate Snack Adventure with French Toast Bites & Poffitz

Looking to add adventure to breakfast? Discover new possibilities with Bake Crafters mini bites.
Showing Breakfast all Day at ANC!

Not a morning person? We'll change that!
Wake up with Bake Crafters all day long in Denver, CO at this year's ANC! We will have all of your favorites, including pancakes, French toast, waffles, and breakfast sandwiches. PLUS you can taste our band NEW pancake Poffitz!
See you at booth #335!